
2年目からのFinanical Aidsは同じ?

合格を受取った時に受取った大学のFinancial Aidsを比較している時に心配になるのは、2年目からのFinancial Aidsは同じ様な金額を受取ることが出来るかです。

実際には、幾つもの家庭が同額のFinancial Aidを毎年受取ると仮定して疑いを持たずにいて、高学年になってからのFinancial Aidの額が減ってしまう大学を選択しています。高学年になるにつれ、連邦政府からのローンの限度額が毎年上昇するのも1つですが、高学年になってから大学からのFinancial Aidが減額されても転校するのを避けたがる家庭が多い事につけこんでいる可能性があります。多くの家庭は諦めて、新しいローンを組んだりして資金の都合をします。

Meet Full Needの1部の大学を除くと、確りと2年目からのFinanical Aidsを減らす可能性のある大学かどうかを調べておくべきでしょう。Need Metの平均率自体は、EFC額にどれだけ近い家庭での学の支出になるかを示しています。この率自体が低いとFinanical Aid額が低い平均ですが、この率が低下している大学は、Financial Aid額が高学年になると減っているのを示しています。これを調べるのに非常に便利なサイトCOLLEGEdataがあります。前回紹介したFinancial Aidに不満がよく出るニューヨーク大学を見てみましょう。

Freshmen .
Financial Aid Applicants3,390 (68.1%) of freshmen
Found to Have Financial Need2,772 (81.8%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid2,763 (99.7%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully MetNot reported
Average Percent of Need Met69%
Average Award$27,501
Need-Based GiftReceived by 2,708 (98.0%) of aid recipients, average amount $21,348
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 2,613 (94.6%) of aid recipients, average amount $6,850
Merit-Based GiftNot reported
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 228 (4.6%) of freshmen without need, average amount $7,040
All Undergraduates.
Financial Aid Applicants12,459 (62.4%) of undergraduates
Found to Have Financial Need10,817 (54.2%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid10,775 (99.6%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully MetNot reported
Average Percent of Need Met61%
Average Award$24,999
Need-Based GiftReceived by 10,255 (95.2%) of aid recipients, average amount $18,459
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 9,933 (92.2%) of aid recipients, average amount $7,623
Merit-Based GiftNot reported
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 1,387 (6.9%) of undergraduates without need, average amount $6,920

Need Metの平均率が1年次は69%なのが61%に落ちています。平均額も$27,501から$24,999に下がっています。Self-Helpも逆に上昇しているのも気が付かれるでしょう。


Financial Aid Applicants2,392 (98.5%) of freshmen
Found to Have Financial Need1,559 (65.2%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid1,559 (100.0%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully Met618 (39.6%) of aid recipients
Average Percent of Need Met61%
Average Award$22,769
Need-Based GiftReceived by 1,548 (99.3%) of aid recipients, average amount $14,844
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 1,268 (81.3%) of aid recipients, average amount $10,784
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 235 (15.1%) of aid recipients
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 808 (33.3%) of freshmen without need, average amount $12,614
All Undergraduates.
Financial Aid Applicants5,878 (65.8%) of undergraduates
Found to Have Financial Need5,833 (65.3%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid5,833 (100.0%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully Met1,826 (31.3%) of aid recipients
Average Percent of Need Met56%
Average Award$21,488
Need-Based GiftReceived by 5,404 (92.6%) of aid recipients, average amount $13,204
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 5,237 (89.8%) of aid recipients, average amount $12,875
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 459 (7.9%) of aid recipients
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 2,086 (23.4%) of undergraduates without need, average amount $11,641

Need Metの平均率が1年次は61%なのが56%に落ちています。平均額は余り変化はありませんが、Self-Helpは上昇しています。

Fully Meet NeedsでもNeed Blindでもない大学でも、高学年になっても同じFinancial AidをだしているBeloit大学を紹介しましょう。

Financial Aid Applicants273 (82.0%) of freshmen
Found to Have Financial Need233 (85.3%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid233 (100.0%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully Met149 (63.9%) of aid recipients
Average Percent of Need Met96%
Average Award$32,422
Need-Based GiftReceived by 233 (100.0%) of aid recipients, average amount $24,212
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 233 (100.0%) of aid recipients, average amount $8,210
Merit-Based GiftNot reported
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 92 (27.6%) of freshmen without need, average amount $14,969
All Undergraduates.
Financial Aid Applicants1,004 (77.2%) of undergraduates
Found to Have Financial Need868 (66.7%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid868 (100.0%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully Met572 (65.9%) of aid recipients
Average Percent of Need Met96%
Average Award$32,229
Need-Based GiftReceived by 860 (99.1%) of aid recipients, average amount $22,612
Need-Based Self-HelpReceived by 863 (99.4%) of aid recipients, average amount $9,617
Merit-Based GiftNot reported
Merit-Based GiftReceived by 331 (25.4%) of undergraduates without need, average amount $14,169

Need Metの平均率が1年次は96%で一定です。平均額も$32,000台で一定です。Self-Helpの変化も余り無く。入学時のFinanical Aidと同様な期待を持っていても問題が無いのが分かるでしょう。興味がありましたら、Muhlenberg大学を調べてみて下さい。Beloit大学と同じような統計です。

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